
Analogue - Digital - Analogue

Sometimes we start projects that for whatever don’t come to full fruition, for example we enter competitions which we don’t win, or in which the work does not get published.  But we use those projects as valuable spaces of exploration to explore and develop process.  We also undertake self initiated projects in order test ideas and processes and develop new skills in both the design and filmmaking space.

This blog charts some of those explorations.

The Pavilion of Stories Unfolded Facede

The Pavilion of Stories Unfolded Facede

One of the things we are have become really interested is the fusion of digital and analogue techniques, both in design and filmmaking.

Studio principal Sarah initially studied Architectural Engineering and instead of doing a traditional Architecture Part 1 was a junior Structural Engineer for a few years. During that time she was introduced to Engineering computation processes.  Through learning these technologies she developed an interest playing with geometry and form and in recent projects she has begun to fuse these with explorations of her West African heritage and love of storytelling and performance. 

Digital, Analogue Doodles - this is very much about testing, so some things are just seeds which we hope will generate something, emerge  and come to fruition in future work…