Pittsburgh - ‘Fields, Fragments, Fictions’ an Exhibition of work by Zoe Zenghelis

An honour to take part in a round table discussion with artist Zoe Zenghelis, a founding member of The office of Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) and architect, educator Hamed Khosravi, as the New exhibition of
work by Zenghelis, ‘Fields, Fragments, Fictions’ opened at the Carnegie Museum of Modern Art. The exhibition was the culmination of a collaboration between the museum's Associate Curator, at the Heinz Architectural Center, Theodossis Issaias and Khosravi.

The studio’s Sarah was thrilled to be part of the conversation and to be commissioned to contribute an essay to the publication which accompanied the exhibition. Thank you Hamed and Theo for the generous invitation! This was the moment we met at The Carnegie Museum of Art after Zöe’s first view of the show.